ECC - How to Correct Salary Percentages in ECC
Below is an email that I sent on 10/15/24 which describes how I fixed the salary / payroll percentages in ECC for post doc fellows. Please see INC-40621. Post docs needed two new earning codes added to the "Institutional Base Salary - ACP" Pay Component Group via the Edit Pay Component Group task. It includes the steps for rerunning the ECC payroll integration (INT105H) to get the previously-filtered transactions and load them to ECC.
Hi Everyone,
I have added the Fellowship earning codes to the "Institutional Base Salary - ACP" pay component group as I previously described. All of the post docs that I listed are paid monthly. For October, their payroll transactions will have a Friday 10/25/24 date and will be loaded into ECC sometime after the early morning run of INT015H on Monday 10/28/24. This is when the ALM's will notice the fix on the salary percentages of these employees in ECC.
Gabrielle, please go ahead and notify the ALM's as you mentioned previously. I am happy to send an email to the ALM's about this if you want me to handle it - let me know.
One more question - it is possible for me to manually run and load the monthly payroll transactions for previous months so that salary percentages are corrected in those months also. I am not sure how much rework it would create. I imagine ALM's would need to recertify, reprint, and resign the effort reports for those months. I am not sure how eager everybody is to do that. So I will leave it up to you - please let me know if you want me to correct these salary percentages for any months before October 2024. If so, how far do you want me to go back? (If we decide to correct the salary percentages for previous months, we should include that in the email to the ALM's.)
For my memory, the following steps should be used to correct a previous month's salary percentages in ECC:
- Make any necessary corrections in Workday (ex: Edit Pay Component Group to add earning codes to "Institutional Base Salary - ACP".
- The payroll transactions will have a date of the last Friday of the month for monthly paid employees.
- Run INT015H. Start Date and End Date should be the last Friday of the month you are correcting.
- Download & review the output file from INT015H to make sure it has the payroll transactions that you intended to add.
- Follow the ECC - How to Load a Test File into ECC procedure.
- Review the ECC employees and their effort statement for the month to confirm that the salary percentages are correct.
- Reprint, sign, and submit the corrected effort statement(s) in ECC.