Grants Management Basics (Pat)
This article is mostly from info supplied by Dagmar Ralphs from Huron in her July 25, 2024 training.
- This is the overall agreement.
- "The house."
- Ex: 4 year NIH award.
- Also known as an Award Abstract.
- Has one or many Award Lines.
- Has one of many Grants.
- Number starts with AWD (ex: AWD-000014).
Award Line
- This is generally one year of a multi-year award.
- "Rooms" of the house.
- Ex: 2nd year of a 4 year NIH award.
- If the Award is "cumulative" (can carry over funds not spent in a year), then you may only have one Award Line per Award.
- If the Award is not "cumulative" (must spend a year's funds only in that year; cannot carry over funds), then you will need a separate Award Line for each year of the Award.
- Also known as a Contract Line. When creating reports, you will see "Contract Line" more than "Award Line".
- Each Award Line is associated to one Award.
- Each Award Line is associated to one Grant.
- For a transaction to be on the bill for an Award Line, the transaction date must be within the Award Line's from/to date range.
- This is where the financial part of the Award is handled. This is the "bank account" that links funds to the agreement that governs those funds.
- The "piggy bank" in the room.
- Each Grant has one Award Line; each Award Line has one Grant.
- Each Grant has one Award; each Award has at least one or many Grants. (The Grants are assigned to the Award Lines.)
- So you will likely have multiple Grants (grant numbers) within each Award.
- "Bank Account" within the Award Line & "Bank Accounts" within the Award.
- Number starts with GR (ex: GR-01234).
- On the Grant, set up the related worktags, default worktags, and allowed worktags. If allowed worktags is blank, then no restrictions.
- Note: we may want to write a report to show all Grant worktags with no values of more than one value in the allowed worktags. I don't think we want people to be able to change the non-driver worktags.
Cumulative Awards vs. Non-Cumulative Awards
- With a cumulative Award, you can carry over unspent funds not spent in a year to the next year.
- With a non-cumulative Award, you must spend the year's funds in that year. You cannot carry over unspent funds to the next year. (Use it or lose it.)
- With cumulative Awards, you can set it up with only one Award Line and one Grant. In this case, you extend the end date on the Award Line each year and add next year's end date at the end of the year. Also in this case, if they give you all of the money up front, you can set the Award Line end date to be the same as the Award's end date.
- These Grant roles are specific to each Grant. Other roles can see multiple Grants, but not these.
- Grants Financial Analyst - can see reports. Not payroll info.
- Grants Lab Manager - custom for us; can see everything.
- Grants Manager - maintain awards line; can do everything to setup and maintain an Award.
- PI - this is who the Grant's sponsor gives the funds to. They can see reports and all payroll info. But they cannot do everything.
- There are Award roles, but we do not use them.
Grants Management Reporting
- R0151
- R0116
- Extract Awards - Huron
- Extract Awards with Line Detail - Huron
Grants Management Budgeting
- Grants Budgets are apparently loaded in two places.
- On the Award - this is where budget vs actuals reports show budgets. Also where budget checking works.
- On the Operating Budget and/or Board Approved Budget - this is where other reports & Adaptive Planning show budgets.
- Finance and Research Finance have a procedure for loading these with the same values. But they must make any changes in both places.
- Note: we may want to write a report that shows discrepancies between the Grants Budget, Operating Budget, and Board Approved Budget.