Requisition Splits by Amounts Instead of Percentages (Handling Uneven Requisition Line Splits in Workday)
Requisition Splits by Amounts Instead of Percentages (Handling Uneven Requisition Line Splits in Workday)
This document describes situations where you are splitting a requisition line between two or more driver worktags, with rounding issues. This may come up if you have an odd Extended Amount and are trying to split the line 50%/50%.
Basically, you will need to split the Amount, not the Percentage. See details/example below.
Create Requisition. Use odd number Unit Cost. Add to the cart. Click the cart.
Can either split on Amount or Quantity. You cannot split by percentages.
Select Amount. You can add Percents to split the Amount. But this may cause the Amount Split (upper right) to not be equal to the line amount. The Remaining Amount to Split (upper right) must be $0.00 to click the Done button.
To get the Remaining Amounts to Split to $0.00, you must adjust the Amounts. When you adjust the Amounts, the Percents will get changed. They may not add to $0.00. Workday wants the split Amounts to equal the overall line Amount.
Once the Amounts of the splits add up to the Extended Amount of the line, the requisition can be submitted.
Please note: if the invoice amount matches the line’s Extended Amount, the invoice line will match and the worktags will be expensed with the Amounts that you entered on the split lines. If the invoice amount does not match the line’s Extended Amount, then you will need to work with the Accounts Payable team to ensure that each line is expensed with the amount that you are expecting.